Dec. 10, 2019 [Car: Patriot] Engine Mount & Mission Mount Replacement (Jeep Patriot, Engine Mount & Mission Mount Replacement)
Last time, I wrote the process up to the purchase, but at the beginning of the purchase, the most anxious thing was vibration. I didn’t notice it until I put the gear in the drive for the first time in the pickup because I did not test drive it. It was a no mark because I never worried about vibrations in the car I have been riding so far.
After that, the dealer showed me another Patriot, but it looked similar. Since it was discontinued in 2012, we couldn’t compare it to a new car or a used car with a short mileage, so we decided to see how it looked like this.
My wife and son don’t care so much, so I thought I’d go to the next car, but I don’t know when the next car would be. According to the feeling on the net, it seems that there is a high probability that the engine mount or the mission mount has deteriorated. If you take a car inspection once, you will ride for about 3 years, if you take it twice, you will ride for about 5 years, so I drastically replaced it.
Result is.
It is considerably improved and relieved. Even so, there is a slight vibration because it is not so quiet engine. When you put it in the drive, it feels much better than the conventional parking condition, and the conventional parking condition is slightly improved.
Another change that can be noticed is that the engine lifts up at the start and loses the ability to move forward.
I recorded it before and after the exchange with Vibroscope of iPhone application, so put it for reference.
Gear : Parking Position : Console box Left : Before -> 8.5 [Gal] Right : After -> 6.0 [Gal]Gear : Parking Position : Dashbord Left : Before -> 7.8 [Gal] Right : After -> 3.7 [Gal]
Gear : Drive Position : Console box Left : Before -> 13.7 [Gal] Right : After -> 6.4 [Gal]
Gear : Drive Position : Dashbord Left : Before -> 20.6[Gal] Right : After -> 8.9 [Gal]
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